Thursday, January 13, 2011

Newts, Deer, and Closets. Oh my!

Today was a pretty laid-back day. This morning I went for a hike through the woods with Lisa and Alex, and we found a newt! But it was poisonous, so I didn’t pick it up =(.

I was really excited to find it, because, although the forest was beautiful and all, I commented to Lisa that I would really love to see some wildlife. Wish granted! Then, as we were walking through one part of the woods, we saw a deer standing right in front of us! We were able to creep closer, and then we saw a SECOND deer! Wow! Maybe tomorrow I’ll see a cougar or something...

                                              This ^ is a great way to start any morning.

Oh, and I found the tunnel.

Other than that, this day was quite relaxing. I was able to get that homework done. Mostly. And phy ed class. It sounds really fun, because basically we have two classes where we are taught phy-edy things, then released to form our own fitness plans, just submitting a log of our activity.

Lisa and Alex were inspired when we were arranging our room--they had the most amazing idea for a reading corner. Our corner reminds me of Narnia, because it also functions as their closet. I'm actually sitting in it right now as I type this. Hopefully the pictures will capture its awesomeness better than I could describe.


  1. Abbi, your nature pics look amazing! And the reading corner is definitely Narnia-like. Miss you! PS look in your mail soon for a....surprise....

  2. Thanks stac! Today when we went to the store I bought a big dog bed shaped like a heart to put in there for more comfort, haha.

    And sweet, can't wait to get it!
