Sunday, February 13, 2011


This weekend has been busy--busy, but enjoyable! Saturday I went snowboarding almost all day at Yosemite's Badger Pass. It's kind of a small ski hill (or mountain, I should say...), but it's really nice, especially for beginner's like me. This time, my fourth(?) time snowboarding, I *FINALLY* got it. Like, I can finally shred. Aka, go down a hill without wiping out. The many falls it took me to get to that stage yesterday definitely took its toll--today it feels like my whole body hurts, and my knees are sooo bruised.

Hannah and I on the ski lift (check out my helmet, mom!)
Look at that control. woah. Actually, my form's really bad in that picture, isn't it? agh...I still have some work to do, haha

I think near the end of the day my form did get a little better (better than this, i hope! =S)

That was pretty much all of Saturday.
Today I went to church, then practiced slacklining, then tanned and read on Star Rock, then biked to the lake and read there, then came back and picked up trash for an hour for MAS credits (the community service that Azusa requires), then more studying. Looking back, I didn't get as much accomplished today as I had hoped, but it was a fun day. I'll finish my homework tomorrow...

On that beautiful note, goodnight. Much love,

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