Wednesday, February 2, 2011

She's the Man

For some reason I just couldn't seem to get into the swing of things today. I'm still getting over a cold I got on Trek, so maybe that's why. The only class I had today was aesthetics--and man, was it fun! We did printmaking today. Here are some of the class's works:
A sample of the class's prints

A quick drawing I did with the edge of a roller. I dedicated it to Alex, lol. The dimensions are actually like 2x1.5 ft

Other than that, my day was rather uneventful. I did some homework, wrote a paper, slacklined, worked on art journal...all that fun stuff.
Sometimes for dinner we dress up. Last night some of the girls stole at least one shirt from all the guys--they did an amazing job. One of them would go into the guy's room and talk to him, while the other stole the clothes--and the guys didn't even notice! Then, we each picked a guy to dress up as, and we wore his clothes and dressed up and acted like him. It was so funny! I dressed up like Kel:
Kel's the guy in the middle, obviously. I guess you'd have to know him, but he does this weird dance thing we're trying to do. And he wears hats like that and all. My outfit was actually quite Kelish.

So I keep finding myself spending too much time on facebook. I want to delete my account, but then I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up with people and share pics, etc. But tonight my friend Kenny gave me another option! I'm actually trying it out right now. It's the add-on on firefox called leechblock that can block sites for you, or it can limit the time you spend on sites. Now I have it set to allow me only fifteen minutes on facebook a day. Let's hope this works!

Until again,

1 comment:

  1. Oh Abbi....I just hope you don't become a Facebook ghost and stop posting pictures. I love reading these and seeing everything you're up to!
