Thursday, April 7, 2011

Trek 2

Soo…Trek 2 was , in one word, amazing.
The first day we got to Yosemite we set up camp then had our solo time—five hours of prayer, reflection, reading, and writing on the Rostrom. It was so beautiful.

Part of my view from solo: From where I was sitting, I could see 4 waterfalls.
Then that evening we attempted a night hike to the Devil’s Bathtub. Unfortunately, because of the six feet of snow Yosemite received over the past few weeks all melting, the path was turned into a waterfall—not only was it dangerous to climb up to the Devil’s Bathtub, it was almost practically impossible to do so without slipping or getting soaking wet. Soo…we didn’t.

Day 2:
The Second day we did an all-day (9 mile) hike to Preston Falls, a beautiful waterfall not many know about. When we got to Preston Falls, DJ dove in! Although it was overcast out, it was warm so we all went for a swim! How many college students can say they went for a swim in a waterfall with their professor!?

Preston Falls

Swimming in the freezing-cold water!

The water was so cold (colder than or equal to Lake Michigan), that after standing in it for five minutes I couldn't feel my toes!

That evening we played mafia—it was so much fun. We also did affirmations. The first trek we had each told our life story, so this trek we took turns affirming each member of the team.

Day 3:
The third day was by far my favorite. Initially, we were going to go caving, but then Nols, the director of operations at High Sierra (and a total beast), set up a swing for us in an alcove of El Capitan, the largest single piece of granite in the world. We hiked to this alcove in the morning and spent the whole part of the day swinging from it. It was amazing—the view was beautiful, and swinging from El Cap, although it was scary, it was definitely one of the most exciting moments of my entire life! What was really cool is that few people know about the swing, and even fewer get to swing on it.  
Hopefully this video will give you a glimpse at how amazing it was:

As explained in the video, to get the swing started you had to run off the cliff--agh! That was the scarriest part. You can also see the view from the top: beautiful!

Swinging off El Cap'

After we had all gone off the swing a few times we hiked down and went rockclimbing. It was hard, but so, so fun. I really need to practice rockclimbing more: I’m so bad at it, haha! But I did get to the top of this really hard one, even though it took me forever:
Climbing the tricky one!

This one was a bit easier...

That evening we played silent football (a REALLY fun game I’ve never played before, but definitely plan on playing again), and we did more team affirmations.

Day 4:
Today we packed up camp—it was really muddy, so everything was pretty dirty. We had set up all our tents in one area; it was like a tent village, haha.'s pretty muddy.
After packing up, we finished affirmations then went to Rostrom to meet with all the other teams. There we had a short chapel then our leaders took us off one by one to pray for us. After that, we headed back to High Sierra

I’m so glad I got to experience parts of Yosemite most visitors don’t get a chance to see. Preston Falls, the El Cap Swing…it was such a beautiful experience. I guess that was the point of second trek: At High Sierra we’re so close to Yosemite, Rob Simpson (the camp director) figured it would be a shame for us to leave High Sierra without having adventured there.


  1. omg abbi!! i'm so jealous!! i'm so excited to see you in exactly one month!! i love you sooooooo much and can't wait to hang out with you! have sleepovers, go to the beach and get a tan (guess what?! i already have a tan!!) haha well now that i'm completely jealous of you and all your adventures i'm going to go wallow in my sadness haha jk jk love you so much and can't wait to see you!!!!

  2. ...wait, Amber you already have a tan? How is this possible?! lol

    I love you both enormously.

